Friday, 15 April 2011

A Multitude of Literacies

This week the focus was on multi-literacies, so I found that the most effective way to present this blog was to actively experiment with the multimedia resources. I examined pod/vodcasting, digital storytelling and social sharing.


  • is the ability to communicate across different cultures and contexts. Students require instruction on how to utilise literacies in the appropriate context
  • is the ability to communicate across different mediums. Teachers need to prepare students for interacting with text based as well as oral and visual mediums.

(Kalantzis & Cope, 2011)

Podcasting (audio) & Vodcasting (video) are audio and visual tools that are used to share information.

  • Students can be active (creation of information)
  • Students can also be passive (listening & viewing)
  • Students can work together collaboratively
  • Students can also be active listeners to the work of others and can provide constructive feedback
  • Students participation will reinforce speaking and listening skills - while actively engaging with multimedia materials.
  • Students can be autonomous, with the freedom to choose characters and voices. This element can protect student privacy.

Digital Storytelling is the creation of a narrative using multi-media materials.

  • Students can be active constructors of information
  • Students can also be passive and engage in others stories
  • Students can work individually or collaborate in groups
  • Students require fundamental print literacy skills before engaging in digital storytelling. It is important that students understand narrative structure and chronology as well as grammatical rules.
  • Students can create stories which can be stored as private, and can determine who they interact with.

Digital Storytelling... An example! on Storybird

Social Sharing is the "hub" where collaborative interaction occurs on the internet. Social sharing falls into three categories; text, images and video.

  • Students are able to actively engage in the construction and publishing of their own creative works; whether it be text, image or video based.
  • Students can also be passive users and act as the 'audience' 
  • Students are also interactive on social sharing sites - they are free to choose what they contribute to, to target particular audiences and to constructively evaluate the work of others.
  • Students develop fundamental multi-media skills and critical literacy skills.
  • Discussions regarding privacy on social sharing sites are integral before students engage in online activities.

Youtube Example: Examines the principles of effective youtube participation.

  • Quality Video Content: Videos should be interesting and engaging. This will encourage channel subscription and participation.
  • Develop an audience: Users must develop an audience of subscribers, who will revisit their channel to view future videos.
  • Algorithm: Youtube videos surface in search engines based on an algorithm. Participants must provide clear descriptions and tags for videos.
  • Promote Videos: Videos can be promoted via social networking sites and also embedded into outside websites (embedding a youtube video on to my blog, is broadening the potential audience for the video).


  1. You've given a really clear overview of what different multimedia tools are all about, and it's good to see you've been experimenting with the tools themselves. I have to say, I've never seen quite such a psychedelic Voki!

    Have you tried actually embedding your Voki? You should be able to do the same with your Storybird book. In both cases, you'll need the embed code to do so.

    Just one small point - be careful of using underlining for text that is not hyperlinked. Readers expect underlined words to be clickable and will be confused if there's no link! Try bold or colours (but not blue, which also signals hyperlinks) to emphasise titles.

  2. Lexi are you trying to hypnotise us? That voki is insane! You metioned the fact that students can be passive & active learners with the introduction of technologies like these & i think the most important aspect is that by implementing these innovative ways of teaching into the classroom (properly), the majority of the time, students are ACTIVE participants which is the key to a motivated and engaged classroom.Too often teachers leave their students to be passive learners and learning by doing is a much more productive way of teaching.

  3. Mark, I fixed the hyperlink confusion and experimented with different colours and also worked out how to embed materials! Victory of the day!!

    Rom, I was in fact trying to hypnotise you... Unfortunately it didn't work and make you cluck like a chicken. Disappointing! I completely agree with you, even by engaging with the projects of their classmates, students are actively engaging with learning and are constructing their own knowledge. So the key is to teach students how to think and how to be critical about information.

  4. Alexie
    I really enjoyed this post of yours and you have inspired me to do a storybird book. I shall try not to copy your format completely and if I do I shall reference you. Would that be cool?

    Um like your wall paper or is it a theme?

  5. The format of the story bird is already set up, I didn't create it. If you go on to the story bird website, you can choose from a range of templates and choose images that people have already contributed. Hope this help :)
